Cracking My first In-Office Internship

Cracking My first In-Office Internship

A Journey of Growth and Learning


In the ever-evolving world of technology, landing a paid in-office internship is no small feat. It's a testament to hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge.

My journey to securing an in-office internship at OpsHub, a leading provider of integration and migration solutions for ALM, CRM, and DevOps toolchains, was filled with challenges, triumphs, and countless hours of preparation.

Join me as I recount the highs and lows of my journey to cracking this coveted opportunity sharing insights, advice, and lessons learned along the way.


I'm Shruti, a 3rd year student majoring in Computer Engineering at PDEU, Gandhinagar. Ever since I first dipped my toes into the world of coding, I've been fascinated by the endless possibilities of software development. From building simple programs to exploring complex web applications, every step of the journey has fueled my passion for this field.

📃Application Process

The application process was straightforward yet thorough. I had to submit my academic records and resume, showcasing my projects and past work experiences. Around 190 students applied along with me, out of which only 12 were shortlisted for further processing.

My main interview process consisted of four rounds, from technical assessments to behavioral interviews; progressively narrowing down the initial pool of candidates with each stage.

📝Preparation Phase

1️⃣Phase 1

Before diving into the core technical concepts, I embarked on a thorough research phase. I studied OpsHub's various products, its culture, and recent achievements.

This helped me tailor my preparation to showcase my alignment with the company's values and my eagerness to work.

2️⃣Phase 2

  • I dedicated time to revising core subjects essential for a solid understanding of computer science, including

    1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    2. Operating Systems (OS)

    3. Database Management Systems (DBMS)

    4. Data Structures and Algorithms (DAA)

    5. Software Engineering Principles and its Various Methods

    6. Web Technology Concepts

This revision helped me reinforce fundamental concepts and deepen my understanding, providing a strong foundation for tackling technical challenges and advancing in my career.

  • I assessed my technical skills, focusing on areas like Java, Python and specifically practicing various data structures in Java.

    I used LeetCode to practice coding challenges and improve my problem-solving skills.

3️⃣Phase 3

During the preparation phase, I focused not only on technical aspects but also on non-technical questions such as "Tell me about yourself", "Tell me about your past internship experience", etc.

I practiced on crafting a concise yet compelling narrative that highlighted my professional journey, skills, and achievements. This preparation ensured that I could confidently articulate my background and demonstrate how it aligns with the role and company culture during the interview.

👩🏻‍🏫Interview Rounds

🏁Round 1

The first round was a technical assessment where I was asked

  1. Concepts related to Core Subjects(OOPs, DBMS, OS, etc.)

  2. Coding problems based on various data structures including LinkedList, Stack, Queues, etc.

  3. Concepts related to Web Technology like APIs, Backend Frameworks, etc.

  4. About my past working experiences and projects as mentioned in my resume.

While some questions were thought-provoking, I managed to stay calm and focused, drawing upon the knowledge I had acquired through my preparation.

🏁Round 2

After the 1st round, only 6 candidates were shortlisted for 2nd Round.
The second round mirrored the first round, blending questions across core subjects, coding problems, and web technology applications.

🏁Round 3

This comprised an HR interview format, specifically tailored to behavioral questions and inquiries.

It delved deeply into my previous professional experiences, extracting insights into how they've shaped my readiness for the role at hand.

🏁Round 4

In the final round, I met with the Senior Director of OpsHub, fielding in-depth questions that demanded profound analytical thinking.

I was quizzed on my problem-solving approaches, asked to explain my past work-ex and projects, and challenged to think critically about various software development scenarios.

Each round presented its own set of challenges, but I embraced them as opportunities to showcase my skills and personality.

👩🏻‍💻Selection and Offer

After a worthful selection process, I was thrilled to receive an offer as a Software Development Intern. The internship would span for two months, with a descent stipend, providing a valuable learning experience.

Accepting the offer was a mix of relief and excitement as cracking a paid summer internship in this phase has become difficult seeing the current lack of CS job opportunities.

My expectations are positive, and I am eager to contribute to the team and learn from the best in the industry.

🙎🏻‍♀️Challenges Faced

During the interview process, one of challenges I encountered was effectively delivering my approach in coding-based DSA problems to the interviewer. It was crucial not only to write the pseudocode but also to maintain a clear and coherent flow while explaining it to the interviewer.

I had to articulate my thought process concisely and logically, ensuring that the interviewer could follow my reasoning and understand the solution I was proposing.

👩🏻‍🎓Lessons Learned

Looking back on the interview process, I realize that it was more than just a series of technical assessments. It was a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I gained confidence in my abilities, learned to handle adversity with grace, and developed a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in the software development industry.

🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️Advice for Future Applicants

To all the future applicants out there, my advice is simple:

Be prepared, Be confident, and Be yourself!!

Take the time to hone your technical skills, but don't forget to work on your soft skills as well.

Approach each interview as an opportunity to learn and grow, and don't be afraid to showcase your unique personality and experiences.


As I embark on this new chapter of my journey, I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow in a supportive and dynamic environment. I can't wait to dive in and contribute to meaningful projects alongside talented individuals who share my passion for technology.

Securing an internship at OpsHub has been a journey of growth and learning. From the initial application to the final offer, every step was a testament to my dedication and the value I bring to the team. This experience has not only prepared me for my future career in software development but also instilled in me a sense of community and the importance of continuous learning.

👋🏻Call to Action

Thank you for joining me on this journey! If you have any questions or would like to share your own experiences, feel free to leave a comment below.

Let's learn from each other and support our growth in this ever-evolving field.